There were no images attached to this message or the images are still being processed

Either there were no images attached to this message or the images are still being processed and weren't ready to send. We'll continue to try publishing the message a few times. To resolve this, please check the images for this message.

Why did I receive this error?

One of two things will trigger this message: 1) there were no images attached to this message or 2) the images were still being processed and weren't available to send with the message.

What should I do to resolve this?

Check your message to see if there are images attached. If not, to resolve this issue you will need to upload images to your message. CoSchedule tries several times to publish the message to give the images a chance to be processed. In that situation, there is nothing that needs to be done but to wait until the message has been sent. But if the message has no images attached, you check the images for this message and upload new ones if needed.

How do I prevent this error from happening in the future?

Make sure that you have images uploaded for any image helpers. Don't delete images from the uploads area that are in use on other messages.