Facebook encountered an error because your message contains a missing or invalid image

Facebook encountered an error because your message contains a missing or invalid image. Fixing the link and rescheduling your message should resolve this problem.

Why did I receive this error?

This error message will trigger when we were unable to send your images to Facebook. This is most likely because of the size of the image is too large or there was an uploading error when CoSchedule tried sending the file to Facebook.

What should I do to resolve this error?

Please check to see if the images uploaded are under 4 MB and saved as JPG, PNG, GIF or TIFF files then schedule the messages again. If you are still having issues, contact our support team.

How do I prevent this error from happening in the future?

In the future, check the size and file-type of the image you are uploading. We always recommend compressing your image so that it is not too large. If the image is too large, CoSchedule will try to automatically resize any image that is too large for the network, but we recommend you manually resizing on your end, though, so that the image does not become too compressed. Learn more about the correct file types and sizes.